"Sugar" : Expresseur improvisation, with Pianoteq & Kore
First steps
- Optional : connect a MIDI keyboard ( cf user's guide )
- Open the Expresseur
- Load a text( or image) file describing a list of chords (eg fairy_chords.png)
- Select the improvisation MIDI-setting (menu Setting/MIDI-preset )
- Next chord on the computer keyboard with the Space-bar
- Improvise on the MIDI keyboard ( white keys = pitches in tune, black keys = additional pitches )
Create grid-chords
- Search any song with standard list of chords ( Internet, real-book, ... )
- Copy these chords in the text-editor of the Expresseur
- Add a dash at the beginning of each lyric line
- Add some information about the structure ( part-A, part-B, structure parts AABB )
- Save the text file
Play chords online
Use PC keyboard to discover/test/play chords ( cf. keyboard configuration )
You can play standard chords I IIm IIIm IV V VIm VIImb5 , and their 7° (IM7..G7...VII°...). You can alter these chords with b5, #5, ...
You can change the tone, upper or lower. Change the scale for imprvisation (chord or penta), and its legato, ...
The MIDI-keyboard changes his behavior, according to the chord selected, to play improvisation.
Follow the grid-chord in a traditional paper-score
- Save any traditional one-page score under PNG image-format, with the same name than the text file of the grid-chord.
- In Expresseur, open the PNG image file. The score-image and the text file with the chords are opened automatically.
- To link the chords and the picture : click on a text-chord, and highlight the position on the image with a click&drag, (repeat for each chord ).
Example of grid-chord
-- my song
-- the text of sectionA, in key C, with a dash at the beginning to ignore the content,
-- which have two lines
G.7 C
-- that's other section B
G.7 F C
-- that'all folks
part(improvise ,loop)
A coda
Recognized chords and scales
All standards chord names, and scales are recognized ( G.7, Do.9, dorian, ... ).
The tool returns the pithches to play for each chord/scale ( chord itelf, pentatonic, diatonic, alteration, walking-bass, .. )
Advanced usage
Change the behavior ( scales, legato, .. )
See the PC-keyboard chortcuts available in LUA-script, using menu Settings/LUA keydown.
In the menu Settings/Midi-config, it is possible to select the keys ( MIDI or computer keyboard ) which are used to play ( or move within ) the chords.
Basic functionalities are provided to play the chords. To extend or change the behavior ( other scales, legato, .. ), it it possible to edit the expresseur.LUA scripts.
Change the sound rendering
Use the mixer to balance the tracks and set the instruments
Inside the mixer, you can tune :
- volume with the cursors
- device to play the tracks ( a MIDI piano, an SF2 soundfont, ... )
- the instruments selectd in the device ( list can be set in specificil files )
- the tuning of teh instruments ( pan, ... )
Connect a piano, or use a specific device
Any MIDI keyboard can be used.
When a numeric-MIDI-piano is connected, it is possible to play the piano-sound of this piano ( select the right device in the mixer ).
For intensive use ( or specific issue linked to handicap ), it is possible to adapt MIDI devices ( pads, .. ), or to build ad-hoc MIDI devices.
More information
Please read the user's guide for more information